39th Annual Kwanzaa Celebration
byWorldBeat Cultural Center will be celebrating its 39th Annual Celebration with 5 of the 7 days of Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa is an African American Holiday celebrated from the 26th of December to the 1st of January. The holiday was created by Dr. Maulana Karenga to celebrate and reaffirm family, community, and culture.
39th Annual Kwanzaa Schedule
Each day will feature ceremonial candle lighting and libation with live Drumming, singing of Black National Anthem, Karamu – the traditional feast ( FREE vegan/vegetarian African American soul food)
Day 1 – THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26TH Umoja- Unity
-Keynote Speaker: Clovis Honore
-Praise hip hop performance by Junkyard Dance Crew
-African Drum and Dance performance by WorldBeat Center’s Ensemble
-MC and Poetry reading by Johnnierenee Nia Nelson
Day 2 – FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27TH Kujichagulia- Self-Determination
-Keynote speaker Dr Starla Lewis
-Spoken word by Black Xpression
Day 3– SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28TH Ujima– Collective Work & Responsibility
“The Kola Nutcracker”, a children’s play performance by Diva Works Dance
Day 4 – SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29TH Ujamaa- Cooperative Economics
-Keynote speaker Alyce Smith Cooper
-Performance by jazz-funk harpist, Mariae Antoinette.
Day 5 – MONDAY, DECEMBER 30TH Nia – Purpose
-Guest Speaker Robert Tambuzi
-“The Black Candle” Film Screening