Plant Spirit Meditation & Tea Tasting

Join in community for a plant spirit meditation and tea tasting. Plants help us connect to ourselves and our relationship to the earth. This is an opportunity to experience the richness of our connection to the green kingdom through meditation and by tasting herbal tea.
Sit in a community circle.
Meditate with the plants.
Taste herbal tea and learn how to prepare an herbal infusion.
Learn how herbalist’s understand a plant’s energetic nature by how it feels in your body.
All are welcome. Sliding scale to support the work: $0-$20.00+
RSVP: [email protected]
Where: The Peace Garden at the World Beat Center, 2100 Park Blvd, SD CA 92101
All are welcome.
Sliding scale to support the work: $0-$20.00+
What to Bring:
A cushion, blanket or towel to sit on.
A cup for tasting herbal tea.
A journal or something to write in.
Wear comfortable clothes.
Your beautiful self to feel the love of the earth.