Black Com!x Day 2025

Black Artists in the comic book industry have been around for decades. They have contributed to the creations of some of the most famous characters in the world such as Black Panther, Spider-man, Batman, and Blade. Black Comix Day has a special focus on Black Owned Creations! This event is designed to inspire the entrepreneurial spirit in communities of color to forge their own futures.
Panel 1 Saturday: EMPOWERED: The Business of Indie Comics. A discussion on how to create your own comic and sell it independently.
Panel 2 Sunday: Tell ‘Em Kick Rocks: How to Rise Above Negative Energy and Achieve Your Goals. Our panel of professional artists will give testimonies on how they deal with the hurdles and naysayers while running their businesses.
Watch the official Trailer below for BLACK COM!X DAY 2025! And tell a friend.