wpid-wp-1420274640067.jpegEthnoBotany Children’s Peace Garden

The WorldBeat Cultural Center is active in collaborating with community organizations to provide nutrition and gardening programs in San Diego. The program includes school garden projects, school nutritional education programs, farm field trip program, a farm apprenticeship program, health and cooking classes as well as events.

Working with partner organizations, WorldBeat Cultural Center has used a vast network to link the various agencies in San Diego that are committed to food security. Our EthnoBotany Garden is dedicated to teaching young and old about the role of plants in society today, while also learning the relationship of plants in the local and global indigenous cultures of the past. In 2015, in coalition with the local Kumeyaay, the World Beat Center embarked on a multi-level terraced garden of endemic and indigenous plants and vegetables that are part of the Kumeyaay lasting traditions.


Currently WorldBeat Cultural Center is working to expand the amount of participants involved in our various program offerings. In partnership with our collaborating organizations our programs address the critical food and water crisis issues that citizens of San Diego County face. The gardens educate students on the various aspects of agriculture and nutrition while fostering a deep understanding and respect for the earth. All projects are somewhat limited in their ability to provide a multi-faceted educational experience due to a lack resources and capacity building.


The unique organic herb, fruit, and vegetable garden honors the memory of George Washington Carver, and is dedicated to teaching young people about the role of plants in society. Gardening classes are available to schools, youth programs, individuals and families by appointment or on Sundays at 11:30 a.m. The garden also serves the nearly 6,000 students in the 5th Grade Balboa Park Integration Program.


Facts about the Peace Garden

  • The first Sustainable, Edible Garden in Balboa Park
  • A San Diego Master Gardeners Certified Earth Friendly Garden
  • A Registered Urban Plant and Flower Pollinator Habitat
  • A Certified Monarch Way Station with the National Wildlife Federation
  • A Certified Wildlife Habit with the National Wildlife Federation
  • Winner of Balboa Park Sustainability Award 2015
  • Winner of the 2015 Del Mar Horitcultural Fair Award
  • Home to two Multinational Peace Poles